National Winner 2017

Competition for the National winner is competiton within  exhibitors and cat breeders that are members of SFDH, in which are important results on all internation cat FiFe shows in Croatia for previous year.
For cat to compete for title National winner, it must be at least once the most beautiful cat in her color group or get at least one nomination for BIS, for year its competing. Adult cat must be at least champion or premior.

National winners are divided in categories:

1.First category(longhaired cats)
2.Second category(semilonghaired cats)
3.Third category( shoirthaired cats)
4.Fourth category( siamese, oriental and other shorthaired cats)
5.Domestic cat

Within each category, title of National winner can get one adult cat(male or female), one neutered cat(also male or female) and one kitten. National winners are those cats that got most points within their category.

Domestic cat also can be a National winner within its own category for domestic cats. SFDH also gives that title to the best cattery( cattery with most points)

Competition for National winner is happening with all FIFe members and that title goes in pedigree certificates of cats who won the title but also in pedigree certificates of their ancestors.

Document downlaod links:

  1. Sluzbeni rezultati NW17 – Official results NW17
  2. Službeni rezultati Najuspjesnije uzgajivacnice 2017 – Official results for Cattery competition 2017